General Knowledge Mcqs

General Knowledge Mcqs
As we know that  General Knowledge MCQs is a very important area in the entire competitive exam, for example, PPSC | FPSC | PTS | NTS | CTS | all government & private jobs held in the country & in the overall world. Most of the candidates/applicants feel difficulty in scoring good marks in exams due to a lack of general knowledge information. Now a day, good general knowledge awareness is very important in clearing any competitive exam. To overcome all this difficulty you should have an understanding of the things happening around you and in the overall world.

In GK Mcqs we will cover given below topics

Political Science
General Science
Presidents of various countries
National symbols, parks, etc.
Current affairs

All we thirsty for information and wish for their overall enhanced skills. One of the most important keys to these improvements is general knowledge. More the knowledge, the more a person grows.

Angkor what is located in?

Angkor, archaeological site in what is now northwestern Cambodia, lying 4 miles (6 km) north of the modern town of Siĕmréab. It was the capital of the Khmer (Cambodian) empire from the 9th to the 15th century, a period that is considered the classical era of Cambodian history.

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