what is the importance of female education ?

The Importance of Female Education

Education for Every one

The summer vacations are about to begin. Miss and her class are discussing topics which are important for her student.  Miss  brings up the topic of female education.  “To get an education is a basic human right.  Every human being, girl or boy, should be educated,” she said to the class.

The whole class listened with attention.  Parveen wanted to know more- “Are many Pakistan educated?” she asked teacher.  Miss  replied sadly, “Unfortunately, literacy rate of boys is better than girls.  Girls and boys should go to school and study hard.  After finishing school, they should go to college.”

“Yes, we should all give importance to education.  Saleema wanted to know.

Miss  patiently told the girls, “a whole family is educated when a girl is educated. She is the first teacher of her children.  The home is the first school. Also, educated woman can earn more money then educated women.  They can support their family with the money they earn.”

“Teacher, please guide us.  What can we all do to help ourselves and others?” Parveen requested seriously.

You all should concentrate on your studies.  Complete your schooling and later get higher education.  Then, teach whatever you learn to your siblings, neighbors, and poor children, advised Miss.

Thank you, Miss ! We will do what you told us, promised the whole class together.

The importance of female education
The importance of female education

It is important that every boy and girl should be educated.  It is important that females  should get education because they can teach their own children too.

Why is female education important?

which is the basic human right?

About Shahzad