Computer Mcqs

Pakmcquiz provide detail knowledge of mcqs that are asked in past paper of pts, nts, ppsc, fpsc. You can prepare yourself for all type of jobs related paper. In this category Computer Mcqs are provide with detail multiple choice and answers are bold. In this digital and AI era everything thing and all software are online using cloud storage and interest software. Website and software use without computer is impossible, so laptop and virtual computer and primary need of every department.

Almost all departments have computer needs. And it every important to know the basic knowledge of computer. If you want to get a job or admission related to computers, you must prepare online for computer science MCQ’S questions and answers.

Most of the test conductors like FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, and others, are adding computer mcqs knowledge in their test patron. Having a good command of the computer is very necessary. Here are some multiple choice related to the Computer from basic to advance that will help our readers to secure high marks in the computer portion of the test. interviews like computer science.

A hybrid computer ______?

A.  Resembles digital computer B.  Resembles an analog computer C.  Resembles both a digital and analogue computer D.  None of the above

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